My first solo show. With two and a half weeks to prepare I deliberate…
Of course I have some old works that I could probably throw together, but that would be far too easy. No, I must create something new, something better. My living room will become my studio for the next two weeks, as I splatter, glue, cut and draw my new creations. The kitchen table is no longer for eating, the lounge, no longer for chilling. For the next two weeks I will not do laundry nor make the bed…
My poor boyfriend.
For the past year I have been exploring the contemporary medium of Facebook and so it seems only fitting that “Status Update” be selected for the title of my show. I have always found it fascinating, the things we like to broadcast about ourselves online, and I hoped that this exhibition would not only expose this façade, but also make fun at it.
“My boyfriend is the greatest man on the planet!”
“My baked dinner smells so amazing”
“Look at my new Prada shoes!” (I bought because I have such a wonderful high paying job)
really?? Come on, where are all the comments about your failed attempts at baking, your secret flings with your work colleges, and weight problems because of your self esteem issues??
Facebook, allows us to escape, and it’s this ability to portray the person who we wish we were, or perhaps who we think others expect us to be, which I find most interesting.

Installation day.
I Arrive downstairs with a giant cardboard box. Already I have a rough idea of how I want things to look, and so without wasting any time I grab a spirit level and drill and set to work!
I am slightly intimidated by Sanaz Hosseinabadi, currently setting up in Gallery one. Her large scale geometric shapes are impressive and with two hired men to help her for the next two days, I can only image how spectacular the finish product will be.
And here I am, all on my lonesome.
Well, luckily I have Kelly to help me out.
“Just a few cm higher” she speculates, as I balance on a ladder with artwork and spirit level in hand. The “Like Project” posses more installation problems as the tightly spaced photographs and my amateur hammering skills cause quite the disaster for my wee thumb.
The small price you pay for art I suppose.
Slowly but surely the works begin to fill the room until I can’t help but smile at the result.

Time for a sit down and a beer.
Opening day.
I arrive with Mum and Dad, my number one fans. It’s always such a big event for the Gosford pair to head to the big smoke, and their expressions remind me of children on their first day of school, wide eyed and excited.

I lead them through gallery two where Erica Molesworth photographic and film exhibition is currently taking place. Images of barren landfills contrast lush green crops, and I instantly wonder how she was able to take photographs at such great heights.
A Helicopter perhaps?
The vibrantly coloured landscapes are beautifully portrayed and I instantly feel the need for a country escape.
Note to self, must organise a camping weekend away with friends.
Next is Sanaz Hosseinabadi, and just as I
had envisioned the final product of her show “Platonic Devine” was nothing short of remarkable. White, arithmetical shapes appear suspended as optical illusions throughout the monotone space…

It reminds me of a dream I am yet to have.
Perhaps because I have seen first hand the amount of work that went into installing, that I am able to appreciate the show from a deeper perspective.
Strangely enough nothing is for sale.
Now onto “status update.” My two friends Alex and Claire greet me with hugs and immediately begin commenting on the work.
“looks fantastic woman” remarks Claire
“Now I can’t afford your work!” jokes Alex.
For the next two hours I chat and swirl, talking art and life with a range of interesting people, some of whom I haven’t seen in a while. It’s at this moment that I feel the last two weeks of unwashed clothes and stacked up dishes has indeed, paid off.
Now for Thai at Sweeny’s with Mum and Dad.
It’s on my way out that I realise I haven’t popped into Lauren Hill’s Photographic show titled” Everything is horrible.”
“I’II meet you guys down there!” I call out.
I need a few moments to absorb the imagery.
Granny cakes with sinister messages, dogs dressed in pink jumpsuits..
So much Character it makes me smile…

Thanks again for another fun filled night Gaffa!